Les juges Einat & Comay commentent: "The interesting essence of this problem hides in the tries of the white bishop to reach its final destination. There are many ways for the bishop, but they include captures of black pieces, which open lines that prevent the mates."
Maître FIDE pour la composition. Je reproduis sur ce blog certains de mes problèmes.
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a) 1…F×c6 2.Te5 F×d7 3.Fb7 F×f5 4.Rc6 F×d3 5.Tc5 F×g6 6.Td5 Fe8‡
b) 1…Fa6 2.Rd4 Fc4 3.Tb5 Fe6 4.c5 F×f5 5.Rd5 F×h3 6.Rc6 F×g2‡
Les juges Einat & Comay commentent:
"The interesting essence of this problem hides in the tries of the white bishop to reach its final destination. There are many ways for the bishop, but they include captures of black pieces, which open lines that prevent the mates."
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